So, with all of that said, I know I am not a great mom and their are many wrong decisions I have made over the years... and I will make many wrong decisions in the future, I am sure. Here are many reasons I am a crappy mom:
1. I didn't take my prenatal vitamins every day.
2. I had a cup of coffee almost every morning when I was pregnant.
3. I circumcised my first son.
4. I gave up on breastfeeding my first son after only a week.
5. I supplemented with formula with my second son.
6. I have not vaccinated my 3 year old other than the ones they gave him as a newborn... and don't plan on it in the near future.
7. I did vaccinate my first son, but picked the ones I thought were important. I never get the flu shot and chose not to get the chicken pox vaccine, among others.
8. I cloth diaper when convenient and use disposables when not.
9. I homeschool both of my boys rather than send them to public schools.
10. I have always practiced co-sleeping and still do... with my 5 year old if he wants.
11. I do not want to teach my children only the teachings of Jesus, but of all religions so they can pick what they choose to believe.
12. I have spanked even though I swore I never would.
13. I let my children stay up late and sleep late if they want.
14. I let my 5 year old watch horror movies because he loves them and so do I.
15. I still take my 5 year old into the women's bathroom with me and do not trust letting him go into the men's room without supervision. I trust him, just not other people.
16. I practice attachment parenting and see nothing wrong with my boys preferring Mama.
17. I let my kids drink Dr. Pepper once a week if they want.
18. We eat sweets a lot and I don't brush their teeth every night.
19. I don't make my kids pick up their messes all the time.
20. I do not choose toys that determine gender roles. If my kids want a pink dollhouse, I would not hesitate to buy it. In fact, my son's bday party is this weekend and he chose Care Bears as the theme.
These are just a few of the things I do that mess up my children. Many of my family members think I am crazy for even using cloth diapers or breastfeeding. Others think the opposite is crazy! We caught it big time for not circumcising Liam and family members still ask when we will get it done. Not happening, people!
Yes, we all have our quirks and "bad parenting" practices and moments, but one thing is for certain, WE ALL LOVE OUR BABIES! Write your blog post and link up below to connect with others who are not perfect moms and then read the great posts! It's time we all admit it to ourselves and others! How are YOU a crappy mom?
Tired of all the mommy war drama? Let's celebrate our different parenting styles and share all the things that make us (NOT) crappy moms. Please link up your posts here and stop by to support each other!
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After reading yours, I thought of several that I left off of my list. Heck, if we're being honest, I could go on for DAYS I'm sure. My 2 year old doesn't have a bedtime or a certain time for naps. Just last night, she was awake until nearly midnight - and guess what? The world didn't come to an end.
Bottom line, we're all doing what we feel is best for our babies. Our decisions won't be the same but that's OKAY!
Ouch-- Where are civil manners gone? I don't get the weight that one puts on another as to be right--Im proud that you can stand up for yourself its your blog right-- but facebook seems that many have no manners, or do they care who they hurt along the way. I'm not a perfect dad , and sometimes my kids are out of control,or rude,dont get to bed on time ect. I haven't found the owners manual for them but they are mine-- and all in all they are pretty great kids-- I SAY do the best you can--
I love your honesty! I still think you're a great mom!
Have a nice day!
I love this post! It makes me feel better!
Though every mom has a different approach to their kids, it was just being a "loving MOM" is. So, I'm very proud to every mom in the world. :)
Keep loving and being loved!
What a great job you did of this posting! You hit the nail right on the head with so many things. We all need to do as we feel is right with our children and agree to disagree...what others do is up to them.
Sandy VanHoey
Great post! Do I disagree with some of the things you do? Sure! I know you would disagree with some of the things I do. Thankfully we have the freedom to do what we feel is right for our own children!
Thank you for this! Me and my friends raise our children totally different. It doesn't mean one way is right and the other is wrong. It means that we each are individuals and have our own minds.
Thanks for being so honest. It's great that we all have different parenting styles, because that's what works best for our family. There's no one right way to do it!
Great post! I know for a fact I am not perfect either...but there is nothing wrong with that =)
your children sound loved...not messed up!
There are as many parenting styles as there are parents. No one way is correct and no one way is wrong. A parent must develop skills over the years which they feel are best for their children, despite what your neighbor might say. Keep up the good work.
Sounds to me like you are a pretty good mom, so many times I ask myself where did I go wrong, the older I get, I know I did the best job that I could have done being a single mom, my first husband passed way when my daughter was 2 & my son 4.
I do not compare my parenting style with others, it's such a bad idea to do so cause the grass always seem greener on the other side doesn't it. You are right, let's CELEBRATE our different parenting styles and not judge others if you disagree, blah blah blah. :) Love it.
This is a great post and honest which I love. We all have our own styles of parenting. I'm sure I've done some things too.
Levi said your boys can come play with his dollhouse if he can come to the Care Bears party :)
Love this!!
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!! Women need to stop judging and start supporting each other!!! Mom's should be in this world together/with each other, not against each other.
How dare you?! ha ha.. I love this meme
Oh that was so nice to read. Now I know i'm not the only one...Thanks so much for posting this.
I feel that I was a good mom, my kids are now 20 & 24. I am, however, guilty of also doing most of the items that you have shared on your list ~ plus others. Did I screw up my son's life by having him circumcised? I don't think so! Is my daughter in life long therapy because I used disposable diapers on her. Uuuummmm, NO! I believe that every person parents differently and, like you said, as long as there is nothing illegal being done, it is their right to do so.
I always believed that if you want to keep your friends your friends then there are 3 NEVERS that need to be done.
1) NEVER argue politics
2) NEVER borrow money and
3) NEVER criticize parenting skills
myfreebi3s at yahoo dot com
I honestly don't know why some people have nothing better to do than bash others for their personal rights and decisions.
Our kids would totally get along... :)
I seen this post, and found it curious, so I read it, and I think that you are doing a great job raising your kids! No parent is perfect, and we need to show our true selves to our kids! We need to give unconditional love to our children!
everyone has their own way of raising their kids =]
This is great! It's all about a matter of opinion on what makes a crappy mom or a good mom. A number of things on your list I thought were actually kind of cool... like homeschooling and not conforming to gender roles to name just a few. Thanks for writing this article!
So glad to have read this I have felt like a crappy mom at points in my life glad to know I'm not the only one. I don't like to judge anyone on how they parent.
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