
Framed Posters Make For A Perfect Gift Idea

I have always loved collecting posters, even as a child. The first poster I remember hanging on my wall was for the movie Dirty Dancing. Unfortunately, I didn't put it in a frame, so after several years it had holes and was completely ruined. I hate to think how much it would be worth today if I would have taken better care of it.

When I was in college, I studied abroad for a semester in Germany. While there we took several weekend trips, including one to Amsterdam! While there I couldn't wait to visit the Van Gogh Museum. Seeing his artwork in person, with all of the amazing detail, was just breathtaking. After walking through the museum I went to the gift shop and noticed several of the famous paintings printed out on posters. Immediately I had a great idea! I could purchase these posters and find wholesale poster frames for them, too. These would make perfect gifts for family members.

I carefully placed the art in a protective tube and the posters traveled with me to several countries. These well-traveled posters safely made their way back to the United States and then I got to work making them into perfect gifts. I quickly realized just how difficult it can be to find the right frames unless you know exactly where to look online, especially when on a budget. Luckily I found some great prices and was able to transform the posters into beautiful gifts. The frames really completed the gifts and I could not wait to give them.

My mom's favorite flowers are roses, so I gave her one of the rose prints by Van Gogh. She loves the print and frame so much that it is now hanging in her bedroom. She is always showing off her poster, telling others all about my trip to Europe and where the poster was purchased. It is so nice to see that my mom enjoys looking at her art and now others can enjoy it, too!


Betty Roberts said... 1

Oh this is greatly hubby is an MMA fan he has real,y old posters some were ruined. He has a really great Muhammad Ali one that I'd love to buy him a frame for so nothing happens! Thanks for the review!

Mimi N said... 2

I was thinking of getting posters of the sports teams we love. I'd love a sports themed room and having them framed would be even better!

Mama on a Green Mission said... 3

I love Mimi's idea about the sports posters and the sports themed room! I know my teenager would love some of his favorite art prints (he's an art buff) framed! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said... 4

I've been wanting to decorate my kids' bedrooms with some posters but I keep putting it off because I KNOW I should frame them. I know they will get beat up if I don't and I'd hate to waste my money just to have the posters ruined. I want to do sports & wrestling for my son and I have a TON of ideas for my girls' room.

Thanks for sharing!

Danielle Harper said... 5

This is a really great idea - thanks for sharing.

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 6

Sounds like a fantastic and affordable gift!! I'd love it too, because we have nothing on our walls and I'm to cheap to go buy an expensive print... lol

Mama Chocolate said... 7

Great idea! I got a Tangled poster for the girls in their room and it was torn to shreds in just a couple weeks. :-P

Denise Taylor-Dennis said... 8

Poster are a really great gift idea, this is a great idea for Christmas, thanks.

[Whatever U are, be a good one!] said... 9

Super cool idea! I love collecting posters too!
Thanks for sharing

Fiona N

Sandra VanHoey said... 10

Dirty Dancing...wow, I watched that movie over and over again. My kids eventually bought it for me since i kept renting it. We now have posters for my grandson and you made a good point. I really didn't think about it but we need to pick up some frames for them. He has lost a couple that he had on the wall using thumbtacks. Hmmmm, thanks for mentioning this. It really is important and the value does increase big time on these

Sandy VanHoey

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