
Aloha Friday

Happy Friday, everyone! We made it through yet another week!  Woohoo! Kailani at An Island Life has a really fun meme. It's a great way to link up, hop around new blogs, and find some new friends. All you do is post a simple question on your blog and go answer other people's questions on their blogs! So, you can just go to that link to find other Aloha Friday questions on other blogs, too! Cool, huh? :)

Question Of The Week
What did your family do in celebration and honor of Earth Day? In addition or if you didn't do anything specific today, what does your family do in attempt to become "green" and help the Earth?

My Answer:
We plan on going to the Farmer's Market Earth Day celebration this weekend. I've been meaning to go, anyway, and this weekend there will be special vendors and things for the children, too! 
Our family is constantly trying to find ways to save money and the earth at the same time. That's why we use cloth diapers and wipes, use eco-friendly cleaning products, reuse/recycle items, and are currently trying to cut back on the amount of trash we produce!

Happy Earth Day!
Some Lovely River Cabin Pictures in Honor of Earth Day!


Twincerely,Olga said... 1

we recycle and try to use earth friendly cleaning products only

Becca said... 2

We didn't really do anything differently today. But in general, we try to only use lights of rooms we are in, we have stopped using plastic water bottles and we have our own grocery bags. :)

Anonymous said... 3

We live mostly the way our grandparents did. Make do with less and use and use again.

Colette S said... 4

We didn't do anything special. However we always try to conserve and take care of our little space here on earth.

The Social Frog said... 5

I honestly do not do much in that area but once in a while I do.

Design It Chic said... 6

My family didn't celebrate that as i grew up, but now we try to be more careful with stuff. Like not throwing hot oil in the toilet after we fried something but put it in a glass, or not letting the water run while we wash the dishes but fill up the sink soap.. empty the sink and then rinse, or sorting the garbage(that's a thing all the Germans do) together with bringing the plastic bottles back to the store, turn off the lights and all the appliances as much as possible(ok i admit that the last two is also because it saves us money:P) or even not throwing the empty batteries in the garbage can but pile them up until we get more and then throw them in a special recycling spot and some other stuff that aren't dramatic, are do-able and it helps the environment we're living in.

Catherine L. said... 7

I didn’t do anything special. However, this week I started using reusable bags and stopped using plastic bags when shopping. We also recycle and use a water filter instead of buying bottled water.

Auntie E said... 8

We did everything we could without adding to the Carbon imprint
My Aloha Friday Link for you

Stacy Uncorked said... 9

We didn't do anything special, but we make sure to do things on a daily basis like reuse and recycle. :)

Aloha Friday Follow

Beth @ TheAngelForever said... 10

My son's 1st grade class cleaned up around the school. My little guy and I went to help with the kids. Aside from that we try to make better choices all of the time. No plastic water bottles, reusable bags all the way, energy saving bulbs, recycle and more. Looking to see what may be going on tomorrow for Earth Month in our area.

Buffie said... 11

We didn't do anything special since we get home so late, but I like the idea of checking out the local farmer's market. We haven't been to the one in our area yet so I'm thinking this weekend would be a great time to check it out if we don't get the rain they're calling for.

As a regular day to day thing we do try to conserve, recycle, reuse and so forth. I've practically elimated paper towels, we compost, I use reusable bags and so forth.

I am Harriet said... 12

As a family, we did nothing as life was pretty hectic. We do practice a fairly green lifestyle.

Have a great Friday!

Dee said... 13

We didn't do anything too differently. We did go to the park and walked the trails....but not because it was earth day.

Rach said... 14

My towns quite good at recycling, we have a bin for plastics, glass and tins and another for cardboard. We always use these, its just remembering to put them out for collection that's the problem!

Lori said... 15

I use reusable shopping bags but that's about all...

Carrie said... 16

we usually turn off lights when we leave the room

Annie said... 17

We are going to plant some plants or trees during the weekend.

Thanks for visiting my blog today.

Happy Friday and great weekend.

Anonymous said... 18

We read lots of books and did a craft with recycled items.

Cathi said... 19

We celebrated Earth Day with my Cub Scouts. We talked about different ways we can work together to care for the planet and played some earthy games.

Andrea Kruse said... 20

We planted seeds & took a walk as a family to look at flowers & shrubs in bloom.

Thanks for commenting on my site.

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