
We Can Listen To Music Anytime

Coming from a family of musicians, music has always been an important part of my life. I've been in bands, play several instruments and love going to see bands play live. Now that I'm a mom, life has slowed down quite a bit, but I still listen to a great deal of music. I enjoy listening to lesser known electronic bands like Dntel and Postal Service. Being up in the mountains, let's just say those are not available to purchase on CD, so I download songs to get the song I enjoy. It's such an easy way to get music and is available immediately. I can listen to it on my computer, iPad and MP3 player during the day, which is awesome. Another wonderful reason I download is because the songs are free!

Lately we've been in the car more often. We travel each week to Atlanta for my son and those two-hour trips can seem like much longer, especially with kids in the car. Many of our local stations have recently turned into sports talk radio, which just isn't interesting to me. Only one of my favorite stations still exists, so most of the time I cannot find anything to listen to, but I have found a solution. All of the songs I downloaded can be added to a CD! How? All I had to do was find a great cd burner. Then, I could easily add all of my favorite songs into the program and burn them straight onto a cd!

Since downloading songs I have also found some great new music artists I'd never heard of before! Plus, I can listen to DJ stations with my favorite types of music. No more waiting for my favorite song to pop up on my radio. I can listen anytime!

In addition to adding my favorite songs and music artists, I've found music for my kids. This is another great way to make it through the long car trips and with the upcoming holidays we will be traveling so often that this will be perfect! I've even mixed a few cds that have half of my music and half of theirs. This way we both get to listen and everyone is pleased.

Who is your favorite music artist or group? Have you downloaded music yet? Give it a try and I bet you will never look back!


Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

I love R&B and Pop as well as Christian music. I have been downloading music for a few years now.

Sandra VanHoey said...

I love the oldies, can't seem to get past that. I do like some country music as well.
Sandy VanHoey

sara ford said...

My whole family loves music we will sing in the car together on the way to school and after its so much fun

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