
An OutMyWindow™: Easy Way To Share Photos With Friends & Family #outmywindow

A few months ago I splurged and finally got a camera for myself that takes amazing pictures. Before that I took pictures often, but now I am constantly snapping pictures of every little thing. As a parent, it seems like my little boys are constantly doing something silly and photo-worthy, so I always have the camera nearby just in case. I love showing my friends and relatives pictures of my kids, but I really don't like pasting them all over the place for just anyone to see. I'm protective of my kids, as I am sure you can relate, and don't feel right about people I don't know seeing everything about my kiddos. This is why I was so excited to find out about outmywindow™!

About  outmywindow™
The outmywindow application is a more personal way to share and save your precious moments, giving you complete control of your photos and who views them. With unique timelines that automatically build themselves, it’s simple to organize and share across all kinds of devices (smart phone, tablet, PC, TV) in real time, all via a stylish easy-to-use dashboard.

My Thoughts 
I love that this program is so easy to use! I'm able to easily upload my pictures to albums and share them with friends and family without having to share with the entire world. Plus, you can share through the app and, since we have an iPhone and iPad, this is perfect for us! In fact, you can download the outmywindow app on iTunes! I've already made an account and shared with family members because, after taking a closer look at outmywindow, I think this is something my parents would enjoy and, even though my mom is not computer-literate, she will definitely be able to figure this one out. It's straight forward and it's great being able to store my photos somewhere safe. 

Do you take as many pictures as I do? Sign-up for outmywindow and see just how easy it can be to save and share your photos!

Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'outmywindow™.


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